Short Note


When nature calls...

What do you think of this toilet

Can you live with this?

I've been living with this toilet for about 1year and the condition is getting worse day by day. Thanks to my housemates' nature contributions. I've encountered several time where the faeces stuck on the white area of the bowl. Somehow the person who was satisfying his nature could not even aim properly. One more case is even worse. There is one small pile of a hard, dark, smelly and sticky shit on the water hose! Don't know what happen to this world where the more advance the technology, the more uncivilized people exists.

The yellowish layer on the bowl is something slippery and full of fungi which exists due to the urine's leftover stain. Have you ever wonder why your urine sometimes yellow in colour? Look here for some useful facts. See the notice written there to ask users to flush after use? They are not following it. Now you know where the stain come from!


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